The University is increasingly becoming a space to host insightful, intentional conversations about digital education.
Investment through Curriculum Redefined and projects with external partners has enabled growth of expertise across a wide range of specialisms. The Digital Education Service is now established as a mature professional service, ready to support the University’s ambitious strategic priorities at the intersection of Student Education and Digital Transformation.
LITE Fellowships
Leeds Institute for Teaching Excellence (LITE) Fellowships provide the opportunity for colleagues across the University to carry out a project based on innovative teaching, scholarship or pedagogy.
In 2023-24, three colleagues from the Digital Education Service will undertake Fellowships:
Induction in Online Academic Practice
Adam Richardson
LITE Fellow for Induction in Online Academic Practice
Adam’s Fellowship will support the development of a professional development programme for academic staff, exploring research and good practice around designing, developing and teaching fully online courses.
Immersive Learning Design
Gabriel Jones
LITE Fellow in Immersive Learning Design
Gabriel will be working with the Evaluation and Innovation team to investigate the different stages involved in designing, prototyping, and evaluating new VR learning resources.
High Quality, Accessible and Inclusive Online Learning
Lauren Mottle
LITE Fellow for High Quality, Accessible and Inclusive Online Learning
Lauren is researching inclusive and accessible online learning, working with teams across Digital Education to investigate how online learners define inclusive online learning spaces and how we can further embed inclusive practices across the Service.